Update – 9/12/2017

Moving into my University has completed, among some other updates.

Site Update: I do know that the menus on the main website are incorrect. I’ve got rid of the Site Map as it hasn’t been updated in a while. I will be working on the slow and tedious task of updating menus in my spare time.

Speaking of the website, I’ve been deciding to move the website entirely onto WordPress (not likely), or shift the website to PHP-scripted (likely.) This will make editing much more efficient in the future, as it will allow me to update one file (the included PHP file) to make changes on something that currently requires me to update the HTML code for one page at a time.

Site updates – or updates in general – will begin to become more scarce. I’m already bogged down in a large pile of homework and miscellaneous things on my to-do list, which take priority over the website.

Kewanee Boilers: If you did not hear, Dave Clarke – author of the beloved “boiler sighting” articles in the Star Courier – has officially retired. In a previous post I wished Mr. Clarke a happy retirement. The future of “boiler sightings” in the Star Courier is uncertain.

Blog Update: I’ve been working on two separate blog posts – both technology-related – which I’m hoping to finish sometime soon. One has been on a topic that I’ve wanted to write for a long time but was unsure how to articulate it.