The first entry in 2018…
I recorded the calendar and clock on the T42 changing over to 2018, as well as a view of the T420’s clock changed over.
T42 Update
The T42, as you can see in the video and the featured image (“hero”) of this entry, has been working fine. Despite the 512MB of memory, I’ve been able to make a couple entries here (although IE 8 will not let me add media.) It has also been playing MIDI and music files quite well. The speakers on the T42 are much louder and sounds better than the speakers in the T420.
After I upgrade the memory to its maximum of 2GB, I plan on installing Pale Moon on the machine to replace IE 8. The previous owner installed Chrome on it for me, but Chrome eats away at too much memory. For those unfamiliar, Pale Moon is a Firefox-like browser, although Pale Moon isn’t made or maintained by Mozilla themselves.
The project I’ve been working on since September is finally coming to a close. I will then have more time to devote to the website, moving things over from the main site to the WordPress site, and rewriting some of the pages.
Website (spec. WordPress Transition)
Speaking of the website, I’ve been working on the WordPress transition slowly. I decided to move most of the pages over from the main website to WordPress. This will make my life much easier, as currently I have to manually make changes to each page if I want to update the menu – as it is currently done strictly in HTML and CSS.
While performing the transition, I’m rewriting pages that I feel deserve to be rewritten – whether their information could be updated, or just to fix some grammatical/spelling errors. I’m currently working my way through the IBM History page.
What’s in it for site viewers? There will (finally) be a working menu. You will be able to search, and each page will have a uniform style. It will also be integrated with my current blog.
The only pages/section that will remain detached from the WordPress site is the Kewanee Boiler section. That is because the Kewanee Boiler section is designed in a way I like.
RIP Rico
And now the elephant in the room…
On Friday (December 29th), we lost our beloved 5-year old Chihuahua, Rico. A pickup truck hit him in front of my parent’s apartment while my father was checking the mail. The truck did not stop or slow down.
Rico has never been featured on my site, but dogs are a huge part of your family. Loosing a dog or cat is like loosing a close family member. It’s really hard and takes some time to grieve and get past.
It has been a stressful weekend for me and my parents. The loss has especially taken a toll on my mother (who was extremely close to him), and our other dog, a 10-year old pug named Daisy.
Rico was buried with his beloved chew toy, Rocky. He loved Rocky and would play with him for hours, and always knew where Rocky was at.
I posted this “in memory” on another website, where I recall when we adopted Rico when he was only five months old.
I’m currently at a loss for words. It has truly been the hardest two days that I’ve had to experience in quite a while.
I’m at home on Christmas Break. I thought everything was going fine – I had even started feeling better and things were starting to look up. And then yesterday I lost one of my best friends.
Rico, our five-year old Chihuahua, will be deeply missed. He was hit by a pickup truck yesterday in front of my parent’s apartment. He was outside as my father was checking the mail.
I will never forget when we got Rico. I was in the eighth grade, and I wanted a Golden Retriever. We had just got over the loss of a pug, Otis. My parents have always had the “no more dogs after xxx dies” attitude, but they agreed to go to the Humane Society and look.
I found a dog that I liked. It was a Golden Retriever mix. The next morning, the humane society had our other dog, Daisy, come in and socialize with the dog to see if they would get along. According to my parents (as I was at school that day), they did not get along.
My mother, however, was extremely excited when I got home from school. She told me that she adopted another dog instead. A Chihuahua puppy that was only six months old [actually five] named Pistachio. For her, it was truly a “love at first sight” moment. He was located in another room and their eyes met at the right moment. She immediately asked “is he for adoption?”
I was somewhat angry – I reminded her how mean Chihuahua’s typically are and how small they are.
That Monday, we went to the Humane Society to pick up Pistachio after he had got his shots and chip’d. I remember getting to carry him out to the car. He was so small and beautiful.
When we got home, we renamed him Rico, as my parents didn’t care much for the name “Pistachio.” He had a chew toy, a plush raccoon very similar to this one. I grew to loving Rico, and we quickly became best friends. He loved playing with the raccoon, which we dubbed “Rocky”, up until his last moments. Rico was buried with Rocky.
Our other dog, a 10-year old pug named Daisy, has been taking it hard. My mom has especially taken it hard.
I didn’t know this day would come so soon. I thought he’d survive long enough to move with me after I graduate.
Rico: you’ll be deeply missed. Until we meet at Rainbow Bridge…
Here are some pictures to remember Rico b