DOScember: SoftPC on a Macintosh?

Many vintage computer enthusiasts are celebrating DOScember – using the time to play around with DOS and run some games. Back in March 2019, I demonstrated DOSBox, a DOS emulator that runs on modern machines. But I had a random idea: what if I could get DOS emulation working on one of the vintage Macintosh computers?

Continue reading DOScember: SoftPC on a Macintosh?

Mac vs. Windows: The Showdown

Last week, a classmate got into a heated argument with a professor about why Mac OS X (now macOS) is superior to Microsoft Windows. This isn’t the first (or last) time anybody involved with CIS or IT will hear this argument, as it’s almost a weekly argument. I’ve been wanting to write about this for a while now, and I feel it is a perfect time to write. Continue reading Mac vs. Windows: The Showdown