Another update for those interested…
Project: On Friday I began a massive project that is due to be completed in three weeks. Since it’s two projects in one, and usually would take months to complete, I will be deviating a large percentage of my time towards school and the project. (In my free time I will try to post. It all depends on how much this project drains me, as it involves a lot of sophisticated tasks that involve Photoshop tools that can be more than finicky at times.)
IBM Bell: In my previous post, I found and wrote about an old IBM school/fire bell found in the art building on our campus. Since it is IBM-related, I was expecting to find more information than I did. IBM sold their clocks (and obviously bell) division to Simplex in 1958, who is still around today. This bell was more than likely a school bell, as the building used to be an elementary school. (Nice vintage find which helps me date the building to pre-1958 or thereabouts.) When more time and info comes along, I will feature the bell in its own dedicated page in the IBM section on the main site.
Mac vs PC: I just finished writing a massive post the other day regarding my input in the Mac vs PC debate, which has been going on for decades. I’ve been planning on writing this post for about a year, but typically gave up in the middle. Three days and 3,000 words later: the monstrosity was done. And you can read it here. (Psst… there’s a summary at the bottom! It’s fairly condensed.)
I’m unsure if I will write a follow-up soon or not. Right after mentioning that, I received a call from my father about issues with the MacBook. I also discussed reliability issues that I experienced with my late-2014 MacMini, which I said was “a topic for another time.” I’m not sure…