T450 & Pinnacle Update: 10/31/2018

Happy Halloween!

It’s been a while since I previously posted an update with media, since the previous post (a Pinnacle update) was done on the T42. I was able to get the MacBook Air and use it until the T450’s replacement is found and arrives.

T450 Issues

After I posted my last T450 update, I was able to recover some data from it before it went back to acting up. After that I made several futile attempts to recover some other data, but wasn’t able to get to it.

While I store important documents on a cloud service, I usually store things like website files and images to the drive inside the computer. So it’s not a huge loss.

I sent the computer back today to the refurbisher, who will refund me once its evaluated. I’m looking at purchasing another refurbished ThinkPad, possibly the same model since that particular refurbisher has similar laptops that are similarly (or sometimes even better) spec’d for not bad prices. My budget and need doesn’t allow for me to purchase a new ThinkPad like a T480.

Pinnacle Update (Part IV)

After attempting to change the rear inner tube during Part II, I must have accidentally caused the rear wheel to become unbalanced – even though I was only able to loosen one nut and wasn’t even able to get the rim off the bike.

Thankfully, I caught the issue in time. The tire felt as if it was rubbing on something every revolution. Turned out it was rubbing on the chainstay. It rubbed into the tire sidewall slightly, but not enough to cause any concern.

The chainstay slightly rubbed into the tire sidewall, but not too bad. No major damage was done.

When I decided to straighten the rim, I decided to try one more time to change the inner tube. The tube in that tire wasn’t leaking – in fact, it was holding air perfectly fine. But I decided to switch it out for the new, thicker tubes that I ordered and use it for a spare – at least if it was still in good condition.

I installed the new tube and got the tire seated. I was putting the rear rim back on when the derailleur decided to “derail” itself from the frame. Obviously, that’s not good.

When trying to reinstall the rear rim on the 1981 Free Spirit Pinnacle, the derailleur fell off.

Since I have very little expertise in the drive train side of things on a bike, I decided to take the Pinnacle to a bike shop and have the derailleur reinstalled. The tube that I pulled out was canned because the valve was stressed and beginning to develop stress cracks that would eventually lead to failure. Since the Pinnacle’s days as my “daily driver” is limited and I rarely venture too far from home (“too far” being more than a couple blocks) I decided I didn’t need an actual spare.


The Falcon derailleur itself appears to have been replaced at some point, as it looks too new. The Falcon shifters on the bike are definitely the original ones the bike came from the factory with, though.

EDIT (11/3/2018): Due to the timing of the issue and its replacement coming in December, I’ve decided to not repair the Pinnacle at this moment. I will have it repaired next year, as it will be used as a spare. (As mentioned later in this entry…)

The Pinnacle’s Replacement

After saving for a new bike, the Pinnacle’s replacement is official.

I opted to go for a 2016 Giant Sedona as its replacement. I foreshadowed its replacement with a Sedona back in August with this post. I looked at a Sedona at a local bike shop and heard some of its features, as well as looked at reviews online. It looked like a great deal.

The Sedona is a hybrid bike. The positioning of the handlebars seem to be more ergonomical. The Sedona has modern components that are more reliable and still in production. For instance, the Sedona has indexed shifting whereas the Pinnacle doesn’t. The Giant’s drivetrain is almost entirely Shimano. The Sedona features an aluminum frame as opposed to the Pinnacle’s steel frame.

The Sedona also has 26×1.95″ tires, which are more standardized than the Pinnacle’s mostly-discontinued 27×1 1/4″ size. The bike shop owner told me the wider rim should provide more robustness. When it comes time to change tires or tubes, the Sedona will definitely have more tire selection choices.

One thing I’ve been wanting to do more of is trail riding. The Pinnacle isn’t well suited for trail riding. It’s not that it can’t do it (I’ve actually taken the Pinnacle on the trail with its skinny, road tires) but the Sedona will be more comfortable and tailored for it.

I plan on having some upgrades and accessories made to the Sedona before riding it, including changing the pedals for something more robust and comfortable. Also adding a basket.

There is one thing that I’m worried about the Sedona, which is something I’ve mentioned time and time again. It looks like every other bike. The Pinnacle “pops” – from its shiny, electric blue paint to its shiny, steel rims (that, although pretty, are problematic.) The Sedona, on the other hand, looks like any other bike you can purchase today – dull colors, etc.

I’m hoping to have the Sedona up and ready to go (when I’ll post about it) in December, but it won’t see action until next spring.

As for the Pinnacle…

As for the Pinnacle, I’m planning on using it as a backup bike. Therefore, it’ll still be used in case the Sedona has a problem or a friend wants to ride a bike. When not in use, I’m hoping to store the Pinnacle inside as a “decoration.”

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