Southwest of the Windsor AT&T Long Lines site (now used by the State of Missouri for MOSWIN) is a 492-foot guyed mast belonging to D&H Media, of Warrensburg, Missouri. The tower has FM transmitter antennas for KWKJ-FM at 98.5 MHz. A second station, KVWS-FM, has applied for a construction permit in 2023 to broadcast from the site.
A guyed mast with FM transmitter antennas is seen Nov. 23, 2024, north of Windsor, Missouri, on Johnson County SE 1050th Road off Route WW. The site, ASR 1225874, belongs to D&H Media and is used to transmit KWKJ-FM. A construction permit has been issued for KVWS-FM.Base station equipment shelters found at the base of the 151-foot tower seen Nov. 23, 2024, at the D&H Media broadcast site north of Windsor, Missouri, on Johnson County SE 1050th Road. The site transmits KWKJ-FM and KVWS-FM.Bumper sticker found on the entrance gate to the site.Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) identification sign.Six-bay FM transmitter antennas seen at the top of the 400-foot D&H Media guyed mast seen Nov. 23, 2024, north of Windsor, Missouri.Middle bank of antennasLower bank of antennasLower section lights