D&H Media transmitter: ASR 1225874

Southwest of the Windsor AT&T Long Lines site (now used by the State of Missouri for MOSWIN) is a 492-foot guyed mast belonging to D&H Media, of Warrensburg, Missouri. The tower has FM transmitter antennas for KWKJ-FM at 98.5 MHz. A second station, KVWS-FM, has applied for a construction permit in 2023 to broadcast from the site.

Guyed mast for KWKJ-FM transmitter
A guyed mast with FM transmitter antennas is seen Nov. 23, 2024, north of Windsor, Missouri, on Johnson County SE 1050th Road off Route WW. The site, ASR 1225874, belongs to D&H Media and is used to transmit KWKJ-FM. A construction permit has been issued for KVWS-FM.
Base station for KWKJ-FM transmitter
Base station equipment shelters found at the base of the 151-foot tower seen Nov. 23, 2024, at the D&H Media broadcast site north of Windsor, Missouri, on Johnson County SE 1050th Road. The site transmits KWKJ-FM and KVWS-FM.
KWKJ-FM bumper sticker
Bumper sticker found on the entrance gate to the site.
FCC identification sign
Antenna Structure Registration (ASR) identification sign.
Top of tower with six-bay FM transmitter array
Six-bay FM transmitter antennas seen at the top of the 400-foot D&H Media guyed mast seen Nov. 23, 2024, north of Windsor, Missouri.
Middle bank of antennas
Middle bank of antennas
Lower bank of antennas
Lower bank of antennas
Lower section lights
Lower section lights

Photographed Nov. 23, 2024.