Since lugging the 1981 Free Spirit Pinnacle road bike back to school, it’s been a battle with thumbtacks and flat tires. But there has been another problem I’ve been facing: having to ride the bike after dusk…
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Update of Things: 10/3/2018
Another week, another darn flat tire… and then some.
Continue reading Update of Things: 10/3/2018Steel Rims and Tire Pressure
With a vintage road bike, sometimes things don’t work as well as they would on a modern bike. Either modern parts don’t work right or don’t match at all. One example is the steel rim.
Continue reading Steel Rims and Tire PressurePinnacle’s Flat #2
Not even one week later, the Pinnacle experiences yet another flat tire!
Continue reading Pinnacle’s Flat #2Pinnacle Tire Update – 9/13
Since a golden thumbtack popped a hole in the Pinnacle’s tire four days ago while riding, I’ve kept a close eye on tire pressure after patching the puncture.

There’s good news and there’s bad news. The good news is… the tire is holding air. The bad news is the patch isn’t holding very well. In four short days, its dropped 20 PSI (5 PSI per day.) It shouldn’t be too bad as long as I inflate it more often.
Continue reading Pinnacle Tire Update – 9/13Pinnacle Flat Tire: 9-9-2018
My ride in today’s picturesque weather was cut short by a small thumbtack… Continue reading Pinnacle Flat Tire: 9-9-2018
(Another) Pinnacle Update
Just following up on the previous installment in the Pinnacle saga/updates. Continue reading (Another) Pinnacle Update
Pinnacle Update: Going Strong!
The Pinnacle has finally arrived to its final home, and has been put through the paces. So far, it has ran fine. Continue reading Pinnacle Update: Going Strong!
Pinnacle Update: The Saga Continues…
Well, the Pinnacle being ready to go didn’t last very long… Continue reading Pinnacle Update: The Saga Continues…
Pinnacle Update: Reassembled!
The Pinnacle has been put back together, tuned up, and ready to roll! Continue reading Pinnacle Update: Reassembled!