Website Update

Another “file purge” had to be done as the disk quota was almost met. I deleted some files. While I believe most of the files I deleted were not linked, if you get a “Page Not Found/404” error on this site, please let me know. Thanks.

Thanks, Dave!

On August 25, I found out that Dave Clarke – reporter for the Star Courier who wrote the “boiler sighting” articles – has officially retired. I’d like to wish Mr. Clarke a great retirement!


Welcome to the official Garrett Fuller blog. This blog will serve the purpose a blog is typically intended to serve – as an update of news and happenings in my life. I will periodically post stuff here, typically regarding items in technology, journalism, and other things happening in my life.

This is not the main part of my personal website. That can be accessed by clicking here. That part of the website will discuss more about me, my various hobbies, and about things I’ve done and some other topics I like to discuss.

This WordPress blog site was setup to make my life easier in posting simple updates. This will save me time when posting new topics. I may also experiment with this website.