The (first) moving process is finally over… now just have to wait for the next moving process to begin. Continue reading Update – 7/21/2017
Website/General Updates: 6/12/2017
I’ve been doing some more work on the website, primarily finishing up the Kewanee Boiler section and toying with some different design ideas. Continue reading Website/General Updates: 6/12/2017
T420 Storage Upgrade: Part II
I finally complete the T420’s storage upgrade, and encounter more frustrations with the lovely Linux Mint operating system. Continue reading T420 Storage Upgrade: Part II
T420 Storage Upgrade
As mentioned in my previous post, the T420 is getting a hard drive transplant. Well, how did the machine fare? Continue reading T420 Storage Upgrade
T420 Upgrades – New Storage!
As mentioned in my last post, the ThinkPad T420 is getting some nice upgrades. The first upgrade was the storage. Continue reading T420 Upgrades – New Storage!
Website (and General) Updates (5/8/2017)
Over the last couple weeks, some major updates have been taking place with the main website. Continue reading Website (and General) Updates (5/8/2017)
RIP Windows Vista!
RIP Windows Vista. 2006-2017. Continue reading RIP Windows Vista!
New Year: New Printer
It has been quite some time since I’ve bought anything technology related. Since my wreck in December, all of my time, money, and any other resources have been directed towards saving for a new vehicle.
And then my HP Officejet 6000 inkjet printer decided to just randomly bite the bullet. Continue reading New Year: New Printer
The Pintomobile’s Wreck
Well, I have some sad news: the Pintomobile, my 1989 Ford F-150 XLT Lariat, was destroyed last week in an accident. Continue reading The Pintomobile’s Wreck
The Wheelwriter
One of the things I enjoy is learning about the history of modern computing. Two companies spearheaded the micrcomputer movement (which I personally dub as Microcomputer Mania!) in the 1980s. One company was Apple, and the other was IBM. Continue reading The Wheelwriter