Southwest of the Windsor AT&T Long Lines site (now used by the State of Missouri for MOSWIN) is a 492-foot guyed mast belonging to D&H Media, of Warrensburg, Missouri. The tower has FM transmitter antennas for KWKJ-FM at 98.5 MHz. A second station, KVWS-FM, has applied for a construction permit in 2023 to broadcast from the site.
Continue reading D&H Media transmitter: ASR 1225874Tag: missouri
KMOS-TV’s 2,000-foot transmitter … and other tall broadcasting masts
I had a déjà vu experience last July — revisiting the site of my alma mater’s television transmitter four years after my first visit.
Continue reading KMOS-TV’s 2,000-foot transmitter … and other tall broadcasting mastsRepurposed former-Southwestern Bell microwave relay site: ASR 1056038
Another microwave relay site owned by American Tower Corporation, repurposed for a wireless internet service provider (WISP).
Continue reading Repurposed former-Southwestern Bell microwave relay site: ASR 1056038Another Sedalia Smiles tower: ASR 1002797
I’ve came across another Sedalia Smiles site.
Continue reading Another Sedalia Smiles tower: ASR 1002797Update
I’m still here… Continue reading Update