When wanting to prevent punctures, you have a couple options: upgrade to a thicker tire and/or tube, upgrade to a tire with Kevlar, install a puncture guard or add sealant to your tubes.
Continue reading My Slime ExperienceTag: tube
Do Skabs work?
You’re twenty miles from home and you hear the dreaded “psst” while your tire quickly deflates. You have no spare tube. What do you do?
Continue reading Do Skabs work?Bell Tube Blues: Back to Square One on the Pinnacle
The thought of trying to get the Pinnacle back up and going blew up in my face… literally.
Continue reading Bell Tube Blues: Back to Square One on the PinnacleMichelin “Protek Max” Test: The Results
The new Michelin “Protek Max” tube gets put to the test.
Continue reading Michelin “Protek Max” Test: The ResultsPinnacle Update: Uncovering it’s origin
While the Giant Sedona waits to be used, not much has happened to the Pinnacle. But I have found out more about it…
Continue reading Pinnacle Update: Uncovering it’s originLighting the Way: Pinnacle Update (Part I)
Since lugging the 1981 Free Spirit Pinnacle road bike back to school, it’s been a battle with thumbtacks and flat tires. But there has been another problem I’ve been facing: having to ride the bike after dusk…
Read morePinnacle’s Flat #2
Not even one week later, the Pinnacle experiences yet another flat tire!
Continue reading Pinnacle’s Flat #2(Another) Pinnacle Update
Just following up on the previous installment in the Pinnacle saga/updates. Continue reading (Another) Pinnacle Update
Pinnacle Update: The Saga Continues…
Well, the Pinnacle being ready to go didn’t last very long… Continue reading Pinnacle Update: The Saga Continues…
The Pinnacle Now Has Tires!
After some work, the 1981 Free Spirit Pinnacle now has tires! Continue reading The Pinnacle Now Has Tires!